“The Opportunity Collaborative releases Strong Communities, Strong Region”
The Opportunity Collaborative, January 2015
“The Baltimore region will gain economic strength by having communities that provide jobs for its residents, high quality schools, and affordable housing/transportation infrastructure to support those needs. The regional housing plan makes recommendations for achieving the regional goal of creating healthy communities where more residents are able to contribute positively to the regional economy. The plan also highlights the challenges facing 70,000 Baltimore-area families paying more than 50 percent of their income for rent that need homes that are affordable and accessible. With the guidance of the Baltimore Metropolitan Council, the Innovative Housing Institute, BAE Urban Economics; the Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance–Jacob France Institute; and the Housing Strategies Group of the National Center for Smart Growth at the University of Maryland carried out the research plan. The plan was guided by the Opportunity Collaborative Housing Committee, a diverse set of advisors made up of local and state government representatives, housing development organizations, and housing advocates. The full study can be found here.