Donate to BNIA-JFI

BNIA-JFI is dedicated to improving the quality of life in Baltimore City neighborhoods by ensuring access to accurate, reliable community-based data and indicators for everyone to make results-based decisions about their neighborhoods. Help us keep this resource free and available to the public.

Every year, BNIA-JFI staff assist in over 200 pro-bono requests for data, mapping, and community resources. These requests came from residents, non-profits, and students both locally and nationally. Supporting BNIA-JFI allows us to continue to support Baltimore’s data users and create a broad cadre of Data Champions for our neighborhoods.

Suggested Donations

Any amount is greatly appreciated, however, BNIA-JFI has established four donation tiers for supporters:

$50 – Friend of BNIA-JFI
$100 – Community Member of BNIA-JFI
$500 – Ally of BNIA-JFI
$1,000+ – Partner of BNIA-JFI

If you have any questions about donations, please contact us. We appreciate your support!




Help us keep this resource free and available to the public. Donate now!

Donate to BNIA-JFI


Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance
The Jacob France Institute
1420 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21201
410-837-5817 | [email protected]