Stay tuned for more news and events!

Release of Vital Signs 19:

April 7, 2021: Crime and Safety – Watch stream recording here
March 24, 2021: Census Demographics and Workforce and Economic Development – Watch stream recording here

Release of Vital Signs 18:

April 1, 2020: Children and Family Health and Well Being and Crime & Safety – Watch stream recording here
April 8, 2020: Census Demographics and Sustainability – Watch stream recording here
April 22, 2020: Arts and Culture and Workforce and Economic Development – Watch stream recording here
June 10, 2020: Housing and Community Development – Watch stream recording here

Featured Past Events

Redevelopment and Justice in Baltimore
April 2018
University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)

Gentrification has long been a watchword for neighborhoods facing redevelopment and the many social and economic changes it brings. How can Baltimore neighborhoods renew themselves without forcing out local residents or homogenizing diverse populations? This expert panel will focus on key questions linking gentrification and social justice, from the reasons why black neighborhoods and immigrants matter to the role of arts and entertainment districts in the process of redevelopment. Attention will be paid to the Vital Signs report, issued by the Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance, which provides data on quality of life in Baltimore communities.

Sponsored by the Dresher Center for the Humanities; the American Studies Department; the Political Science Department; and Critical Social Justice, Women’s Center.

Baltimore Innovation Week 2017

GEOLOOM co>map: Cultural Mapping in Baltimore
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
11 W. Mount Royal Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21201

This workshop, led by BNIA-JFI Research Assistant Christine Hwang, helped attendees navigate the GEOLOOM co>map as well as demonstrate how the tool can be a resource for communities and the city of Baltimore. The workshop demonstrated different ways residents and community organizations can add their own arts and culture data, such as information about community events, public art, and historic sites, to the GEOLOOM co>map. This allows communities to self-define what they consider arts and culture and, in turn, show both what brings neighborhoods together and makes them unique.

Baltimore Data Day

Baltimore Data Day is an annual conference and workshop open to the public to learn about the latest data and technology about neighborhoods. Presentations from past events are available for download.





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Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance
The Jacob France Institute
1420 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21201
410-837-5817 | [email protected]