Since the very first U.S. Census in 1790, Baltimore residents have been counted every 10 years. Working with the National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership and Community Information Now in San Antonio, we will be providing resources to help ensure an accurate count of Baltimore’s children during the 2020 Complete Count Campaign.
There are several characteristics of local areas that are at risk of being undercounted. Past experience during the 2010 census might be a good indicator of how many households will fill out the 2020 census questionnaire (i.e., how much of the tract may require more costly in-person follow up by the Census Bureau in 2020). Different kinds of households such as those with children under 5, households with poor internet access, or recent immigrants may not be able or familiar with the census and are at risk of being undercounted.
See the many interactive ways to visualize hard to count areas in Baltimore.
For the first time in American history, the 2020 census head count will conducted mostly online. Based on newly-released data from the 2013-2017 American Community Survey, we now have a better understanding of which areas in Baltimore have limited access to the internet and computing devices that are needed to fill out the 2020 Census.