The Plan

The Baltimore neighborhood Indicators Alliance has joined forces with the Housing Authority (HABC) of Baltimore City as part of the Perkins, Somerset, Oldtown Transformation Plan. The project includes:

  1. “The redevelopment of Perkins Homes, a 629-unit public housing development in will support and accommodate existing and future residents of diverse incomes, family compositions, and lifestyles. “
  2. “A coordinated and targeted neighborhood plan that combines infrastructure improvements, economic development, and public safety strategies.”
  3. “A comprehensive human services plan that supports families to increase economic self-sufficiency and improve educational outcomes over the long term.”

During the course of this multi-year project, three Core Goals will be achieved.

  1. “Replace distressed public and assisted housing with high quality mixed-income housing that is well-managed and responsive to the needs of the surrounding neighborhood.”
  2. “Attract public and private reinvestment in distressed neighborhoods to improve the amenities and assets (ex. safety, good schools, commercial activity) available to the community.”
  3. “Improve educational and economic outcomes through supportive services delivered directly to youth and their families.”

For more information on the larger project, visit the HABC PSO Transformation webpage

Our Work

BNIA was tasked with using the data produced by HABC for HUD to create data visualizations and a dashboard to track key indicators throughout the project’s timeline. These indicators directly pertain to the Core Goals expressed by HABC.

By tracking indicators such as, Count of Units Under Construction, Commercial and Residential Vacancy, Crime Incidents, and Abandoned Properties, a clearer understanding of the project’s effects on the surrounding neighborhood is possible. Some effects felt by the residents of the Perkins Homes can be tracked by indicators such as, Count of Households Participating in Case Management, PSO Household Relocations by Zip Code, Household Relocations by Housing Type, Job Training Participation, and TANF Participation, as well as Monetary Investment information for the project.

These visualizations are available to view as dashboards on the Perkins, Somerset, Old Town Transformation webpage.





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Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance
The Jacob France Institute
1420 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21201
410-837-5817 | [email protected]