With every new edition of Vital Signs, BNIA-JFI creates downloadable maps of every indicator. Explore the Vital Signs 21 maps by chapter below.

Coming soon: Vital Signs 22 maps!

Census Demographics
Housing and Community Development
Crime and Safety
Workforce and Economic Development
Arts & Culture
Education and Youth

Interactive Community Statistical Areas Map

Explore Geography interactive map
Curious about how communities relate to neighborhoods? Or what neighborhoods are in certain zip codes?

Click to launch BNIA’s interactive map which shows CSAs,neighborhoods, Census tracts, and zip codes.

Geographic Reference Maps

Fells Point CSA and Neighborhoods
Need a quick map of Community Statistical Areas or neighborhoods? Explore our downloadable maps below.

Community Statistical Areas (2020)
Community Statistical Area (2010-2019) Reference Maps
Community Statistical Areas (2010-2019) and their Associated Neighborhoods
Community Statistical Areas (2010-2019)
Community Statistical Areas and Census Tracts (2010-2019)
Community Statistical Areas and Zip Codes (2010-2019)
Community Statistical Areas and City Council Districts (2011)
Community Statistical Areas (2000-2009)
Community Statistical Areas and Census Tracts (2000-2009)




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Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance
The Jacob France Institute
1420 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21201
410-837-4377 | [email protected]